Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thing #6 - Live Mesh

If you are like me, you will use at least two computers during a work day. Keeping all of my documents together and current is a challenging task on the best of days. One service that I use to keep track of everything is Live Mesh from Microsoft. This web application allows for me to edit a document on one computer, save it back to Mesh and access the same document from another computer. This service serves two purposes. One is to keep everything organized and current and two is to keep everything backed up off site. This is great since by using cloud storage, if my hard drive dies, my documents will live on. Other great features are the ability to access other computers desktops using the remote desktop feature as well having a 5 GB of storage. Live Mesh can also be used on Macs and smartphones.

Discovery Resources

1. Read the overview about Live Mesh.
2. Read about the features of Live Mesh.
3. Read the Wikipedia entry on Live Mesh.
4. Learn more about Cloud Computing.

Discovery Exercises

1. Create a free account with Live Mesh.
2. Create a 1 page document on any subject you choose.
3. Upload this document to Live Mesh.
4. Write a blog post describing your experience with Live Mesh and what you learned about Cloud Computing.

Image courtesy of Wikipedia (

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